If you run a medical practice, you’ve probably noticed how credit card processing fees are eating into your revenue. The good news? There’s a legal way to pass those fees to patients while staying compliant with state and federal laws: compliant medical surcharge.
But before you start adding extra fees to every transaction, you need to understand how to do it legally and ethically—especially in the medical field. Let’s break it down in the simplest terms.
A surcharge is a small fee added to a patient’s bill when they choose to pay with a credit card. This fee helps offset the processing costs that your practice would normally have to absorb.
For example:
The extra $3 helps cover the cost your payment processor charges you for accepting that credit card payment.
Yes! But there are strict rules you need to follow:
Good news: In North Carolina, surcharging is legal as long as it follows Visa, Mastercard, and state rules.
At Merchant Match, we’re a Raleigh-based business that works with local medical practices to reduce their credit card processing costs through compliant surcharging.
Here’s how we make it easy for you:
And guess what? There are no hidden fees. We started Merchant Match with a desire to bring transparency to business owners. You work hard to take care of your patients. Unnecessary fees shouldn't be eating into your profits.
💡 Want to see if your practice can benefit from compliant medical surcharging? We’re happy to walk you through it—risk-free.
📧 Email us at info@merchantmatch.net to set up your first call, or click here to learn more!
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